Supporting Loved Ones: Rehabilitation Journey at Mitchell Manor
Mitchell Manor

Supporting Loved Ones: Rehabilitation Journey at Mitchell Manor

  • Patient name: Mary and Shelly Bailey
  • Physician: Dr. Kamal Girgis
  • Referral source: IU Bedford
  • Admitted for: Pelvic Fracture and Falls

Mary and Shelly were admitted to Mitchell Manor following Mary's hospitalization for fracture following a fall. Shelly lives with Mary and unable to care for herself.

Mary required extensive assistance up to 2 people for all tasks including getting in and out of bed, self care, transferring to chair and walking with a walker. Shelly required 1-person assistance for all tasks including walking without a device.

With Mary's input, plans of care were developed for both Mary and Shelly focused on decreasing Mary's pain and returning them home safely and independently. They received rehabilitation daily with physical, occupational and speech therapies.

"It was fun to work with Shelly and Mary. We would play rock and roll music (Shelly's favorite) to increase participation and enhance enthusiasm for Shelly," reported the therapists working with them.

Mary and Shelly went home in December 2023. Both were independent with self care and functional mobility. Mary was able to walk with a walker without any physical assistance.

Congratulations to Mary and Shelly!


"Therapy helped me get back to walking and doing all my daily tasks independently. I also really appreciate the therapy for Shelly."

Mitchell Manor

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Mitchell Manor

(812) 849-2221

24 Teke Burton Drive, Mitchell, IN 47446

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