An altered mental status led to a decline in function and a stay in the hospital for Edward Moorehead.
Moorehead came to The Westchester House in Chesterfield, Missouri, for nursing and rehab on Sept. 6, 2019. He needed maximum assistance with bathing and moderate assistance with transfers (such as from his bed to a wheelchair) and dressing. He also needed some help with walking and hygiene tasks.
&"When I came in, I was unable to do much of anything," Moorehead remembered. "I couldn't transfer or walk. With therapy, I'm now able to walk 700 feet with a rolling walker, transfer independently and am beginning to walk to and from the dining room."
Therapists used a metronome to help him improve his walking, as well as various exercises to rebuild his strength and endurance.
"Edward was always ready for therapy and very eager to participate," said Catherine Schneider, physical therapist assistant. "He always followed the therapists' education."
Moorehead completed his therapy program on Dec. 2 and is now a long-term resident.
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