Stay Safe and Steady: Essential Fall Prevention Tips
Hallmark Nursing Center

Stay Safe and Steady: Essential Fall Prevention Tips

According to the CDC, more than one out of four older adults suffer a fall each year. Less than half of these incidents get reported to their doctor; yet falling once doubles your chances of falling again. These falls can vary in level of severity, but all falls should be taken seriously.

Multiple risk factors can contribute to and cause falls. Some of these risks include...

Environmental factors

  • Poorly lit rooms
  • Wet floors
  • Clutter/clustered furniture
  • Exposed cords
  • Throw rugs

Lack of strength and aerobic capacity

  • Inactivity resulting in decreased strength and aerobic capacity
  • Decreased balance/coordination
  • Muscle weakness

Foot problems

  • Nerve damage caused by diabetic neuropathy
  • Inflamed tendons
  • Improper footwear
  • Amputations

Vision and hearing impairments

  • Not wearing recommended glasses or hearing aids
  • Wearing inappropriate or out-of-date glasses and/or hearing aids

Medication side effects

  • Some medicines may decrease your balance and cause increased dizziness. These include some medications taken for depression, high blood pressure, sleep problems, diabetes, and heart conditions.
  • Please check with your provider when starting any new medications to ensure you are aware of any side effects that may cause an increase in potential falls.

The good news is that most falls can be avoided with simple prevention.

Take the following steps to decrease your fall risk

  • Increase the lighting around you where possible.
  • Wear properly fitting and gripping footwear to avoid trips or slips.
  • Ensure you are wearing up-to-date glasses and hearing aids.
  • Ensure your environment has clear walkways.
  • Ensure rugs are pulled up or secured to the floor with double-sided tape.
  • Use grab bars and shower seat in bathroom, if needed.
  • Use recommended adaptive devices (two-wheeled walker, cane, four-wheeled walker, etc.).
  • Stay hydrated.
  • Take medications as prescribed and check with your provider about any side effects that could increase your risk for falls.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Don’t rush.

Physical therapy may also reduce your risk of falls. Our in-house physical therapists are spe-cially trained to assess each person individually and determine your risk factors for falling. They can then create specialized programs for you that will target strength, balance, and endurance to address your identified fall risks.

Contact us today for more information about fall prevention and to learn more about how physical therapy may help you or a loved one decrease your risk of falling.

Hallmark Nursing Center

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Hallmark Nursing Center

(303) 794-6484

3701 W. Radcliff Ave., Denver, CO 80236

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