Spring clean into good health
The Oaks

Spring clean into good health

Springtime is here! It’s the time of year where new begins, allergies are stirring, and outside activities are starting. Spring is also a great time to spring clean and get rid of the old.

Cleaning has been shown to improve physical and emotional health. A space that is clean and organized promotes productivity and reduces stress. Cleaning is a great opportunity to take inventory of your space and create a healthier environment for you and your family.

Goodbye Germs

Getting rid of germs is an obvious health benefit of cleaning, but our households are filled with germs that need to be cleaned properly. Sponges are great for cleaning and avoiding the spread of bacteria and viruses. Use spring cleaning as a time to clean household items you don’t clean often — like garbage cans, dishwashers and your washing machine and dryer. Cleaning the germiest places in your home will help reduce sickness.

Purge the Medicine Cabinet

When organizing your medicine cabinet, take the time to check for expired medicines and throw them away. If you can’t read the label, ways to spot expired medicine is if the label has worn off or if the medicine itself is off-colored or gives off an odor. During the winter, while the heat is turned on, the warmth and moisture can cause medication to go bad before its expiration date. Expired medication can be  harmful, so when you find it, get rid of it.

Give Up Old Makeup

Like everything else, your skin deserves a makeover that is healthy and clean. Throw away expired makeup and skincare products. For example, mascara typically has a lifespan of two to three months. These products can house bacteria that can lead to eye infections or irritations. Eyeliner and eye shadows are other products that can be damaging if expired. If an infection arises, throw out the product immediately.

Conquer the Fight Against Allergies

When you are deep cleaning your house, make sure to dust all surfaces. Dust places such as ceiling fans, décor, and dispose of the cobwebs in corners that collect dust. Doing so may help relieve your allergy symptoms. Check air humidifiers, as well, for mold and maintain keeping them clean.

Safety is Best

Spring is a great time to take inventory of the safety of your space. It is the time to replace and replenish. Replace the batteries in your smoke detectors and replace and refresh filters. Be aware of any harmful chemicals in your household. This includes paint or cleaning products; move these to a garage or shed. Use caution and gloves when handling cleaning products and detergents.

Stay Productive

Decluttering and organizing your home can remind you where things are stored and save you the time you would spend looking for or replacing lost items in the future. Organization experts say doing this makes you more productive, and cleaning can actually increase energy levels.

Whether you love it or hate it, spring cleaning is valuable exercise, so take the time to spring clean this year. In addition to all of its benefits, you may be surprised to find that spring cleaning is also good, clean fun.

The Oaks

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(508) 998-7807

4525 Acushnet Ave., New Bedford, MA 02745

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