Alameda Oaks Nursing Center nurse earns wound care certification
Alameda Oaks Nursing Center

Alameda Oaks Nursing Center nurse earns wound care certification

Sandra Hill, licensed vocational nurse at Alameda Oaks Nursing Center in Corpus Christi, Texas, recently earned certification in wound care.

Hill completed training through the Wound Treatment Associate Program, developed by the WOCN Society. WTA is a continuing education program to further empower wound, ostomy and continence specialty nurses and improve patient outcomes by enhancing their wound team.

“When I was invited to participate in the WTA program to gain my certification, I was so excited to learn more on the different types of wounds and how to handle them properly,” said Hill. “I feel that with this education I am better equipped to manage wounds and have seen a difference in the healing process. I am grateful to my employers for giving me the chance to further my education.”

Alameda Oaks Nursing Center

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Alameda Oaks Nursing Center

(361) 882-2711

1101 S. Alameda St., Corpus Christi, TX 78404

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