Short-Term Therapy Works! Patient Success Stories 2024 (8th edition)
Life Care Center of Morehead

Short-Term Therapy Works! Patient Success Stories 2024 (8th edition)

Seeing our short-term therapy patients meet their recovery goals never gets old!

And we love to highlight these individuals as much as possible to celebrate our patients and inspire anyone who may be considering inpatient or outpatient rehabilitation for themselves or a loved one.

If you are wondering if short-term therapy would benefit you and your family, take a look at the following success stories!


Beverly at Life Care Center of Saint Louis

Beverly was admitted to Life Care Center of St. Louis for skilled rehabilitation following a total hip replacement.

At the time of her admission, Beverly required moderate

assistance with transfers in and out of bed and was able to walk only 50 feet with assistance. She also required help with bathing, dressing, and personal care.

Five times a week she received physical and occupational therapy. Physical therapy targeted her lower extremity strength, balance, transfer ability and walking. Occupational therapy, involving adaptive equipment, targeted her inability to perform daily tasks on her own.

After just two weeks, Ms. Williams discharged from the facility back to her home. At the time of her discharge, she was able to perform transfers and activities of daily living without assistance. Her current primary mode of mobility is a power wheelchair, but she is now able to walk 10 feet on her own and up to 150 feet with supervision.

"My stay here has been good. The therapists take their time

and explain what they want from you. They are so patient and

I can now return home independent." –– Beverly

Life Care Center of Saint Louis

Charles at Life Care Center of Waynesville

When he first arrived at Life Care Center of Waynesville, Charles had compression fractures and was unable to walk. He had significant pain in his back and trouble lifting his arms.

His therapy program paused a few times because Charles experienced cardiac issues and had to be hospitalized. But with the help of skilled nursing, Charles became strong enough to return to his short-term therapy program.

Charles participated in physical and occupational therapy two times a day, five days a week. After working hard for several weeks, Charles became independent with a rollator walker and improved his ability to perform activities of daily living and manage his medications.

Charles is on track to discharge from the facility and return home in December to live at home by himself. Once at home, he will receive home care for a short period of time to ensure his long-term independence.

Life Care Center of Waynesville

Elaina at Life Care Center of Sullivan

Elaina was admitted to Life Care Center of Sullivan and stayed as a long-term care resident until recently when she decided she wanted to go home.

The therapy team and staff worked together to help Elaina regain her independence so that she could achieve her goal.

At the time of her initial evaluation, Elaina was able to dress herself independently while in her wheelchair, although one of her goals was to dress herself in a standing position and to walk with a rollator without further assistance, which she needed at that point in time.

Elaina’s therapy services included speech therapy, physical therapy, and occupational therapy to address all her problem areas and prepare her for a safe return home with her son.

With physical and occupational therapy, she improved her strength and balance and her ability to perform daily tasks in a safe manner. With speech therapy, Elaina improved her memory and cognition.

Because of her focus and hard work, Elaina will be returning home with her son! She is now able to walk with her rollator, move up and down stairs, get dressed, use the restroom without assistance.

Elaina stated that she enjoyed working with therapy and is happy with the progress she has made.

Life Care Center of Sullivan

Life Care Center of Morehead

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Life Care Center of Morehead

(606) 784-7518

933 N. Tolliver Road, Morehead, KY 40351

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