Short-Term Rehab Works! Success Stories  for Feb. 2025
Life Care Center of Athens

Short-Term Rehab Works! Success Stories for Feb. 2025

Seeing our short-term therapy patients meet their recovery goals never gets old!

And we love to highlight these individuals as much as possible to celebrate them and inspire anyone who may be considering inpatient or outpatient rehabilitation for themselves or a loved one.

If you are wondering if short-term therapy would benefit you and your family, take a look at the following success stories!

Alphonso at Life Care Center of Cape Girardeau

Alphonso Farmer admitted to Life Care Center of Cape Girardeau following a toe amputation.

Alphonso had functional problems in many areas upon his arrival. He required moderate assistance with walking, bed mobility, and transfers and maximum assistance with bathing and dressing.

In physical therapy, Alphonso focused on improving his strength and balance so that he could safely transfer and walk. Occupational therapy helped him improve his ability to perform daily activities without supervision.

After meeting his goals, Alphonso discharged home to his family, with his ability to walk, transfer, and perform daily activities restored!

"My therapy has helped me to move around better. It has made my legs stronger, so I am more mobile." –– Alphonso

Congratulations on all you accomplished in short-term therapy, Alphonso! It was a pleasure working with you and helping you return home to your family.

Life Care Center of Cape Girardeau

Quiana at Life Care Center of The Willows

In early spring of 2024, Quiana suffered a debilitating stroke. She was only 43.

Upon admission to Life Care Center of the Willows, Quiana required a tracheostomy to aide in her breathing and a feeding tube for her nutrition. She was unable to perform even the simplest tasks without assistance from the care staff.

Shortly after her admission, the therapy staff evaluated Quiana to determine her needs and to develop a personalized care plan for her. They determined that Quiana needed extensive physical, occupational, and speech therapies, 5 days a week, to address her many debilitating deficits.

After just five months of therapy, Quiana had made the gains that would allow her to be transferred to a facility closer to her children and loved ones. She is now able to eat, speak, and even use an iPad to communicate with her children.

Every day she continues to make progress.

"This is a nice facility. I enjoyed working with Erin. She is a great person." –– Quiana

"It truly has been a joy to watch Quiana regain her ability to speak and eat. She worked so hard, and I'm so proud of her." –– Erin Keller, Speech-Language Pathologist.

Congratulations, Quiana. Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your success story. We are thrilled that you can continue your recovery journey close to your biggest support system––family!

The Willows

Virginia at Life Care Center of Sullivan

Virginia came to Life Care Center of Sullivan after hospitalization for a pubic fracture.

On admission, Virginia required moderate assistance with bed mobility, transfers, lower body dressing, and using the bathroom. She was able to walk just 3 feet with a front-wheeled walker, requiring some assistance.

During her evaluation, therapists determined she would need all three therapy disciplines: physical, occupational, and speech. She would also need education on using a wheeled walker.

Virginia was very motivated to participate in therapy and meet her goals. Speech therapy addressed her recall, safety awareness, and problem-solving abilities. And occupational therapy targeted her ability to transfer, walk, dress, and bathe, to ensure her safety at home.

Virginia mentioned how everything was great for her during her stay. She stated, "The food was good, therapy was good, housekeeping was good. My room was always clean, and I have no complaints.”

At the time of her discharge, Virginia was able to dress, transfer, and bathe with minimal assistance or supervision. She was also able to walk 120 feet with a wheeled walker. Before going home, she received further education on transfer and bed mobility safety.

We congratulate Virginia on her progress in short-term therapy and wish her the best of luck as she returns home!

Life Care Center of Sullivan

Life Care Center of Athens

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Life Care Center of Athens

(423) 745-8181

1234 Frye St., Athens, TN 37303

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