During National Nursing Assistants Week, June 17-23, 2021, Life Care facilities around the country went all-out to celebrate their certified nursing assistants!
CNAs are often considered the backbone of nursing care. They are the ones who provide direct patient care. It’s hard work, and our CNAs are well deserving of recognition. Here are some of the ways our centers said “thank you.”
Rochester CNAs Rhonda Knee, left, and Deb Miller, with their teas
At Life Care Center of Rochester, Indiana, residents made a craft to hand out to the CNAs to start off the week. “We were able to do something each day to show our appreciation, which included ice cream sundaes, jet teas from a local shop, coney dogs and a lunch of sub sandwiches,” said Amber Basham, marketing and admissions manager. “We have learned the way to a CNA’s heart is through their stomachs!” This certainly proved the case around the country throughout the week!
For example, Life Care Center of Plano, Texas, held a potluck for the CNAs.
Kai Hays, CNA, checking out the breakfast at Kirkland
Life Care Center of Kirkland, Washington, hosted a pancake breakfast with all the fixings for the CNAs and gave out insulated lunch bags with water bottles and lunch containers. Nancy Butner, Northwest Division vice president, also bought all the staff pizza for lunch.
Life Care Center of Puyallup, Washington, provided cake and cupcakes, as well as a lunch of fried chicken, jojos and macaroni salad. On another day, staff provided sandwiches, chips and pop to the CNAs. All CNAs received a gift bag with socks, hand sanitizer and other little goodies.
Cherry Hill Manor in Johnston, Rhode Island, held a barbecue lunch with hot dogs, hamburgers, pasta salad, watermelon and music from a DJ. Associates got to try their skills in a 40-foot inflatable obstacle course, challenging their co-workers to a race, laughing and bouncing their way through. “Applicants who showed up to our hiring party got to mingle and enjoy the good food and games and submit a raffle ticket to win a free TV, along with the associates,” said Amanda Thompson, admissions director. “It was a beautiful day filled with sunshine and laughter and appreciation for our hard-working CNAs.”
Leominster CNAs enjoying ice cream, left to right: Josephine Lorime, Natasha Schmidt and Danielle Viana
Life Care Center of Leominster, Massachusetts, and The Highlands in nearby Fitchburg, Massachusetts, both hosted a visit from the Juniper Farms ice cream truck for their CNAs. At Leominster, CNAs shared their thoughts on their role at the facility, and at The Highlands, residents shared their own words of appreciation to their CNAs.
Life Care Center of Bridgeton, Missouri, offered different types of food to its CNAs during the week, including Chinese, tacos, soul food and a fish fry. Each day, CNAs had a chance to win fabulous prizes, including a Louis Vuitton wallet, a Tiffany and Company bracelet and a Gucci purse. “We also celebrated our CNAs who had 10 or more years with us – we have one CNA who has been with us for 30 years!” said Shelly Andrews, director of nursing. The week closed off with a bang in the hot weather with a water fight!
Elyria CNAs (left to right) enjoying Mexican food: Taylor Gibbins, Monique Isom, Lauren Soto and Alicia McElroy
At Life Care Center of Elyria, Ohio, CNAs received goody bags of candy on Monday, while they had a special celebration breakfast on Tuesday. Wednesday was a day for prize drawings and Mexican takeout, while CNAs enjoyed an ice cream sundae bar on Thursday. And on Friday, the facility held a cookout.
Life Care Center of North Glendale, Arizona, held a unique CNA skills contest to see how fast each CNA could make a bed. “They had a lot of fun doing this,” said Antoinette Alexander, director of nursing. “The winner, Marina Morales, was the bed-making champion, coming in at 1 minute and 19 seconds!”
Lawrenceville CNAs and management associates showing their heroism
At Life Care Center of Lawrenceville, Georgia, daily themes such as Sports Day, Twin Day and Rockstar Day gave CNAs a chance to have fun dressing up, much to the delight of the residents. CNAs were also treated to a Night with the Stars formal dinner of ribeye steaks, chicken, loaded potatoes, green beans and dinner rolls. They were crowned with fun superlatives and received gifts as well.
Parkview Nursing and Rehabilitation Center in Paducah, Kentucky, held daily events. On Monday, Nanny Jo’s Southern Street Food came to offer a food truck lunch to the CNAs. On Tuesday, CNAs received special tumblers as gifts, and on Wednesday, they enjoyed local cuisine from Loopy Larry’s. On Thursday, the CNAs got freshly grilled hamburgers and hot dogs at the facility, and Friday they enjoyed a baked potato bar. “We want all of our CNAs to know that we realize how hard they work and how diligent they are,” said Melanie Henson, business development director. “We know they serve our residents daily. There are many small things they do quietly that only a resident might know about. We do see you and do appreciate you!”
Rensselaer CNA Suzanne Hoaks with her Selfie of the Year Award
At Rensselaer Care Center in Rensselaer, Indiana, CNAs received gift bags, and the facility held a contest for CNAs to give their best pose for a selfie. The photos were posted by the time clock so they could see their fun pictures.
Life Care Center of Attleboro, Massachusetts, held giveaways, trivia contests, candy guessing games and Minute-to-Win-It style contests, including Face the Cookie, balloon volleyball and rock, paper, scissors. “Staff had a good time relaxing a bit, and we had lots of laughs,” shared Tammie Hall, activity director.
Life Care Center of Grandview, Missouri, National Nursing Assistants Week kicked off with gifts for the CNAs and a nacho bar courtesy of Crossroads Hospice. Express Medical Transport partnered with the center the next day to provide a barbecue lunch. Lumicare Hospice and Spectrum Home Health helped sponsor Kona Ice treats later in the week, and the week closed out with a cookout and a special surprise – the Kansas City Royals’ very own mascot, Slugger, stopped by to have some fun with the staff.
Evergreen House CNA Monica Garcia holding up the T-shirt, with Tara Panciotti, director of nursing, seated
And Evergreen House Health Center in East Providence, Rhode Island, held a breakfast buffet for its CNAs. On another day, CNAs could place their orders for made-to-order ice cream sundaes for a sweet treat! And at the conclusion of the week, the facility held an Italian-themed luncheon for the CNAs and gave them custom-designed T-shirts.
What a week for our CNAs! We hope you all felt as loved and appreciated as you truly are.
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